
当前位置:资讯攻略 > 澳大利亚 > 研究生 > 就业移民


  告诉大家一个不幸的消息,ICT配额已经爆棚了。如果你是计算机专业的ICT方向,今年是没戏了。只能等7月份下一财年名额了。小编建议大家选择Software and Applications Programmers和Computer Network Professionals这两个专业。这两个专业上升趋势放缓而且需求量高,以后选专业尽量避开名额少的专业。


Occupation ID Description Ceiling Value Results to date
1331 Construction Managers 5178 96
1332 Engineering Managers 1428 32
1335 Production Managers 3132 2
1341 Child Care Centre Managers 1000 12
1342 Health and Welfare Services Managers 1356 40
2211 Accountants 5478 4290
2212 Auditors, Company Secretaries and Corporate Treasurers 1188 548
2241 Actuaries, Mathematicians and Statisticians 1000 58
2245 Land Economists and Valuers 1000 23
2312 Marine Transport Professionals 1000 22
2321 Architects and Landscape Architects 1476 203
2322 Cartographers and Surveyors 1000 54
2326 Urban and Regional Planners 1000 54
2331 Chemical and Materials Engineers 1000 275
2332 Civil Engineering Professionals 2850 781
2333 Electrical Engineers 1332 283
2334 Electronics Engineers 1000 391
2335 Industrial, Mechanical and Production Engineers 1680 954
2336 Mining Engineers 1000 99
2339 Other Engineering Professionals 1000 602
2341 Agricultural and Forestry Scientists 1000 100
2346 Medical Laboratory Scientists 1092 66
2347 Veterinarians 1000 60
2349 Other Natural and Physical Science Professionals 1000 20
2411 Early Childhood (Pre-primary School) Teachers 1404 85
2414 Secondary School Teachers 7002 394
2415 Special Education Teachers 1044 13
2512 Medical Imaging Professionals 1014 67
2513 Occupational and Environmental Health Professionals 1470 86
2514 Optometrists and Orthoptists 1000 17
2521 Chiropractors and Osteopaths 1000 26
2523 Dental Practitioners 1000 194
2524 Occupational Therapists 1000 73
2525 Physiotherapists 1188 117
2526 Podiatrists 1000 13
2527 Speech Professionals and Audiologists 1000 36
2531 General Practitioners and Resident Medical officers 3672 321
2532 Anaesthetists 1000 15
2533 Internal Medicine Specialists 1000 41
2534 Psychiatrists 1000 20
2535 Surgeons 1000 12
2539 Other Medical Practitioners 1000 413
2541 Midwives 1000 24
2544 Registered Nurses 15042 1930
2611 ICT Business and Systems Analysts 1620 1620
2613 Software and Applications Programmers 5005 3999
2631 Computer Network Professionals 1788 999
2633 Telecommunications Engineering Professionals 1000 346
2711 Barristers 1000 3
2713 Solicitors 3426 143
2723 Psychologists 1248 97
2725 Social Workers 1968 142
3122 Civil Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians 1000 51
3123 Electrical Engineering Draftspersons and Technicians 1000 29
3132 Telecommunications Technical Specialists 1000 17
3211 Automotive Electricians 1000 1
3212 Motor Mechanics 6444 115
3222 Sheetmetal Trades Workers 1000 0
3223 Structural Steel and Welding Trades Workers 4482 41
3232 Metal Fitters and Machinists 6816 41
3233 Precision Metal Trades Workers 1000 1
3311 Bricklayers and Stonemasons 1506 45
3312 Carpenters and Joiners 7164 168
3322 Painting Trades Workers 2448 9
3331 Glaziers 1000 2
3332 Plasterers 1980 15
3334 Wall and Floor Tilers 1110 2
3341 Plumbers 4464 79
3411 Electricians 7854 145
3421 Airconditioning and Refrigeration Mechanics 1626 18
3422 Electrical Distribution Trades Workers 1000 2
3423 Electronics Trades Workers 2580 24
3513 Chefs 2547 76
3991 Boat Builders and Shipwrights 1000 0
4112 Dental Hygienists, Technicians and Therapists 1000 18



