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Master of Commerce and Master of Commerce (Extension) 针对2022年第二学期入学最晚接受offer并缴费的截止时间为2022年6月20日,已获得无条件offer的学生需尽快在线接受offer并在此日期之前提交缴费成功的凭证,时间紧急建议采用信用卡方式支付(学校需要在6月20日之前收到所有接受offer材料包含缴费凭证护照及完成在线接受offer)。



We have begun our offer round process for the Master of Commerce for Semester 2 2022. Our records show that you have some students that have been issued an unconditional offer for this program, but the offer has not been accepted. To confirm their place, students must accept their offer of admission via the online acceptance system and submit evidence of payment, such as a payment receipt, while places are still available and by no later thanMonday, 20 June 2022. Please note that due to the limited number of places available, if the quota is reached prior to this deadline, we will be blocking acceptances and/or withdrawing the offer.

Please see attached a list of your students who hold an unconditional offer and who have theMonday, 20 June 2022 acceptance deadline. Separate communication will also be sent to these students today – attached is a sample of that communication.

Any other student you have that has an active application for these programs, upon becoming eligible for an unconditional offer, will be placed on the waitlist.