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GRE机经 11月23日GRE考试北美机经

  运气挺好的遇到的是数学加试 QVQVQ

  不过总体我感觉挺难的 第一个V我就觉得比PP2难 第二个更加难。。。。。我都几乎没时间检查



  ISSUE: The well-being of a society is enhanced when many of its people question authority

  ARGUMENT: memo for the CEO of a food company:写两个pest control company, Fly Away&Buzzoff

  there was a damage worth of $20,000 of the fast-food stored in warehouse monitored by Fly-Away

  but only a damage worth of $10,000 of the food stored in warehouse monitored by Buzzoff

  conclusion: Buzzoff is the best means of minimizing cost of pest-control



  基本上都不记得= = 不过感觉难度挺大的

  特别是第二个V 好像有四五道三空题。。。而且大部分都是那种需要你一个个去试才能试出一个恰当意思的

  我记得特别清楚的一题就是他特意出了所有选项都长得特别像。。。全部是tendentious xxxtious这样的。。。。难道说现在不仅考同义词还要考形象词了吗。。。。。。。


  阅读也好难啊。。。。so sad。。。

  短文章:讲Elizabeth Bxxxxx的poems..the prominence of EB's work for most of the time makes it hard not to lose sight of the small size her work. However, EB always deems the small size of her work as a failing(vaguely moral for complexion)【有一题就是问这里complexion的意思】In addition, the small size of her work is an indication of her resistance to the literal culture of her generation.

  长文章:讲the difference between the ways British and Whites' handled the Native American territory west of xxxx mountain Before and After the American Revolution

  第一段讲某个人认为:British are nicer than Whites in the way that before the American Revolution they negotiate with the Native Americans, arguing for them as to denote territory west of xxxx mountain to be an individual area under their own control(主要就是说British很好)但是 On the other hand, the White settlers brutally try all means to acquire Native American land to be themselves' (就是说白人不好 很粗暴地占领土地)

  第二段讲另一个人相对的结论:the reason why British did not try to acquire Native American territory is not out of mercy but out of the lucrative benefits they wanted to maintain by maintaining trades with Native Americans(British是出于自身利益对印第安人好)and the reason Whites behave in such a brutal way is that British behaved in such a way before the American Revolution, and thus the Whites were just following the tradition(Whites对印第安人这么粗暴是因为原来British对他们那么粗暴when they colonized united states)

  长文章:讲the complexity of organisms and the complexity of the environments around them

  第一段讲the relationship between complexity&complexity is always controversial. First of all, the definition of complexity is not settled. One group thinks the complexity should be defined as the various types of cells in the organism, while the other group thinks it should be defined by the organism's ability to conduct complicate behaviors.

  第二段讲several studies have found that the complexity of organisms do not necessarily constantly progress through lineage(有的生物会变得更复杂 有的生物会退化)

  第三段讲possible reasons for the results in p2: the natural selection could explain it 生物因环境而变化 有的环境可能让生物变复杂 有的环境可能让生物退化

  中长文章:讲newborns' ability to imitate behaviors such as protruding tongue and blah blah

  第一段讲某某某发现newborns have the ability to imitate behaviors such as protruding tongue and blah blah

  第二段讲该某某某的发现被批判了 因为后续的studies发现newborns dont demonstrate such abilities beside protruding tongue; and such behaviors die out after two months, and don't reappear until 8 months and later




  真的完全一点都不难啊= = 我数学一点都没有准备过 连OG都没有做。。。感觉和SAT差不了多少 就是一定一定要仔细就对了 一定要认真读题

  比较烦的就是读表题吧 让你把这一年的谁的数据和另一年的另一个数据比什么的


  总体来说我觉得比PP2难吧 阅读好几道都是排除剩下两个选项了最后选一个要考虑很久的那种

  一大教训就是大家一定要多模考。。。。。我就模考了一次所以感觉做题节奏不够快 时间不够充裕






