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  王同学,安徽财经大学, 国际经济与贸易专业, GPA3.6,雅思6.0,经过英欧高级留学规划师王祥老师的合理规划, 文案老师的努力,最后学生成功申请到纽卡斯尔大学, 谢菲尔德大学, 利物浦大学和约克大学的录取通知书, 最后选择去约克大学。


  专业: MSc in International Business & Strategic Management





  Mr *** Wang

  Ref: *****

  Date of birth: *****

  Programme (JACS) Code: N211

  1 November 2012

  Dear Mr Wang

  Further to your application, the University of York is pleased to make you a conditional offer of a place on the full-time, one-year MSc in International Business & Strategic Management with The York Management School starting in September 2013.

  You must send evidence to Postgraduate Admissions to meet the following condition(s) before you will be allowed to begin the programme:

  Academic condition

  This offer is subject to you achieving a weighted average of 80% or better in your current undergraduate degree programme. Please send a final transcript to us as soon as one becomes available. The transcript, or an official letter of award from your university, should confirm that you have satisfactorily completed all of the requirements for the award of the degree.

  English language proficiency

  This offer is subject to receipt of evidence that you meet one of the following minimum standards in English language proficiency. The qualification must have been awarded within the past two years relevant to your intended start date. The University will seek formal confirmation of all test results.

  IELTS: 6.5, with a minimum of 6.5 in writing, and no less than 6.0 in all other components

  Internet-based TOEFL: 87, with a minimum of 23 in writing, and no less than 21 in all other components

  PTE: 61, with a minimum of 61 in writing, and no less than 55 in all other components

  CPE: A, B, C

  GCSE/iGCSE: C or above

  For more details on how to fulfil these requirements please refer to our webpage at:

  The University's Centre for English Language Teaching runs pre-sessional English Language courses for applicants with an IELTS score of at least 5.5 who wish to improve their academic English ahead of starting their studies at York. Further details and how to apply can be found at: Please note that these courses are popular and places are limited.

  This offer is made on the understanding that you have adequate funds to meet the cost of your tuition fees and living expenses for the duration of your programme. For the 2012/13 academic year the tuition fee is £16540. Tuition fees normally rise each year and fees for 2013/14 are currently being considered by the University and we will inform you of your fee as soon as they have been approved. We expect this to be in January 2013. Further tuition fee information is available at:

  If you are in receipt of sponsorship please upload a confirmation letter from your sponsor via the 'Finance' tab within the Application Tracker.

  Tuition fees are payable when you start your studies. Fees quoted are for one year of study only and are subject to increase in subsequent years. The University reserves the right to alter the level of fee.

  The University recommends that you have access to sufficient funds to cover your living expenses. Examples of comprehensive student budgets can be found at: Note that these figures may be subject to increase in subsequent years.

  Details of funding available to postgraduate students can be found at:

  Applicants with disabilities: If you have any special requirements as a result of a disability or medical condition please refer to the Disability Support web pages at: You will be able to access a questionnaire through which you can let us know of any special requirements.

  Accommodation: Information about accommodation can be found at Please note that if you are eligible to apply for accommodation, your accommodation application will not be considered until all offer conditions have been met.

  Responding to your offer: Please let us know as soon as possible if you would like to accept or decline your offer. If you wish to accept this offer, you must do so by 18th January 2013. To notify us of your response please select the 'Respond to this offer' link within the 'Application Status' tab of the Application Tracker at:

  Yours sincerely


  Simon Willis Director, Student Recruitment and Admissions








