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NO. 1

Learn some UK slang/学些英国俚语



NO. 2

Cook a Sunday roast/煮一锅星期天烤肉

Cook a Sunday roast and spend the rest of the week eating the leftovers

煮一锅星期天烤肉,然后用接下来的一整周时间吃剩下的菜 (图为一顿传统的星期天烤肉,包括牛肉、肉汁、蔬菜和约克郡布丁Image©Jeremy Keith, CC BY 2.0)

NO. 3

Take part in a pub quiz – and win!



NO. 4

Costume party/化妆派对

Goto a student party in costume (top tip: Halloween, Christmas and Freshers’ Weekusually offer lots of opportunities to dress creatively!)


NO. 5

Bonfire Night/焰火节

Goto a fireworks display on bonfire night (5 November), marvel at thepyrotechnics and eat a toffee apple

在焰火节上(11月5日)看一场焰火秀,惊叹于焰火制造术,吃颗太妃苹果(图为苏格兰烟火节观众在吃太妃苹果和棉花糖 Image © J. Glossop)

NO. 6

Edinburgh Fringe Festival/爱丁堡边缘艺术节

Visit Edinburgh for the Fringe Festival and see a play or comedy show you’venever heard of

参观爱丁堡边缘艺术节,看一场你从未听过的演出或喜剧 (图为边缘艺术节期间的户外表演艺人Image ©Edinburgh’s Festivals)

NO. 7

Watch a Sport Game/看场体育赛事

Get involved with the UK sport scene and watch a game of football, rugby orcricket,even if you don’t know all the rules.


NO. 8

Explore London/探索伦敦

Gaze at Big Ben, shop for quirky clothes in the markets of Camden, see Buckingham Palace and take a walkalong the River Thames

凝望大本钟,逛卡姆登集市买奇装异服,参观白金汉宫,沿泰晤士河漫步(图为伦敦国会大厦的窗外景致,面朝大本钟,泰晤士河和伦敦眼Image ©VisitBritain / James McCormick)

NO. 9

Highland Games/高地运动会

Head up to the Scottish Highlands for the Highland Games! Get set for kilts,ceilidhs, caber tossing and bagpipe music.


NO. 10

Camp at a music festival/露营音乐节

Camp at a music festival to see some of the world's biggest names in music (andlots of mud too, probably)


TheIsle of Wight Festival, which in 2015 featured acts including Blur, FleetwoodMac, The Prodigy and Pharrell Williams (Image ©VisitEngland/Isle ofWight Festival)

2015年的怀特岛音乐节上拥有Blur、Fleetwood Mac、法瑞尔ž威廉姆斯

NO. 11

Pancake Day/煎饼日

Make pancakes on Pancake Day, and eat so many youwon’t want to see another pancake until next year.


NO. 12

Punting in Cambridge/剑桥划船

Visit Oxford or Cambridge to hire a boat and try punting

游玩牛津或剑桥,租艘船尝试用篙划船(图为暑假学校学生在牛津查韦尔河上划船,Image ©Lake School ofEnglish)

NO. 13

Mountain Hiking/登山远足

Dig out your walking boots and hike Mount Snowdon in Wales. If it goes well,try the Three Peaks Challenge – where participants climb the highest mountainsof Scotland, England and Wales within 24 hours


NO. 14

Spend a day at the Seaside/海边度假

Spend a day at the seaside. Try Cornwall, Brighton, Bournemouth or Hastingsperhaps

在海边玩一天。试试康沃尔、布莱顿、伯恩茅斯或者,或者黑斯廷斯(阳光、躺椅、炸鱼加薯片,以及大名鼎鼎的布莱顿码头…Image ©VisitBritain / Jasmine Teer)

NO. 15

St David's Day/圣大卫节

Celebrate spring in Wales on St David's Day (1 March). While you're here, havea go at mastering the Welsh language (get a head start with our quick guide to learningWelsh)


NO. 16

St Patrick’s Day/圣帕特里克节

Dress in green for St Patrick’s Day (17 March)

为圣帕特里克节(3月17日)穿上绿衣服(图为北爱尔特的国际学生在参加圣帕特里克节庆祝Image©Brian Morrison)

NO. 17

Visiting Royal Palace/参观皇宫

Visit a royal palace or one of the UK’s many castles


NO. 18

Student Society/学生团体

Join a student society and try an activity you’ve never done before – likearchery, yoga, hip-hop dancing, violin playing, robot football or custardwrestling! Check out Weird student societies for more ideas

参加一个学生社团,尝试一个你之前从未尝试的活动,例如箭术、瑜伽、街舞、拉小提琴、机器人足球赛或者蛋奶糊摔跤!找出那些怪异的学生社团寻找灵感(图为伦敦特拉法加广场的枕头大战,这也是由学生社团发起的活动,Image ©Shimelle Laine)

NO. 19

Strawberries and Cream/奶油草莓

Eat strawberries and cream at Wimbledon (or in front of the TV at home)


NO. 20

Watch a Shakespeare Play/看场莎翁戏剧

Watch a Shakespeare play. Even better if you can go to the Royal ShakespeareTheatre in Stratford-upon-Avon or The Globe in London

看一场莎翁戏剧。如果你可以去埃文河畔的斯特拉福的皇家莎士比亚剧院或者伦敦的环球剧场看那就更好了(图为皇家莎士比亚剧院内的表演©VisitEngland Images)

NO. 21

Afternoon Tea/品尝下午茶

Taste a traditional afternoon tea – and master the art of making tea at home. Theclassic English ‘cream tea’: tea and scones with jam and cream (Image ©VisitCornwall/Adam Gibbard)


NO. 22

Giant's Causeway/巨人之路

See the surreal landscape of Giant's Causeway in Northern Ireland. it's an area of basalt columns, created by a prehistoric volcaniceruption

去北爱参观超现实主义风格的巨人之路景观。“巨人之路”是一个玄武岩柱形石区域,由一次史前火山爆发所产生(Image ©VisitBritain / Martin Brent)

NO. 23

Charity Fundraising/慈善筹款

Take part in a charity or fundraising event. Whether it’s the London Marathonor a sponsored cake-eating contest, every penny counts!


NO. 24

Picnic in a Park/公园野餐

Have a picnic in a park in the summer


NO. 25

Go Ice Skating/滑冰

Go ice skating in the winter,London'shistoric Somerset House sets up an ice skating rink in its courtyard everyyear

冬天去滑冰,每年伦敦的历史建筑萨默赛特宫都会在院子里建一座滑冰场 (©Simon Winnall)

NO. 26

Build a Snowman/推雪人打雪战

Build a snowman and have a snowball fight. You might have to travel a bit if itdoesn’t snow where you live – but it’s worth it! Check out some of the bestplaces to be on a snowy day


NO. 27

Open-air Cinema/露天电影节

Take in a film at an open-air cinema,Bringpopcorn and blankets to the Summer Nights Film Festival at Calke Abbey inDerbyshire (©VisitEngland)

看一场户外电影,带着爆米花和毛毯去参加德比郡卡尔克庄园的夏夜电影节(Summer Nights Film Festival)

NO. 28

Take a Spontaneous Trip/说走就走的旅行

Take a spontaneous trip to somewhere else in Europe. It might be anultra-low-cost airline or a slow bus journey, but it will be an adventure!


NO. 29

New Year's Eve/迎接新年

Sing ‘Auld lang syne’ as the clock strikes midnight on New Year’s Eve

新年前夜午夜钟声敲响时合唱《友谊地久天长》(Auld lang syne)