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美国留学面试 研究生申请电话面试常见问题大全



  1.Where are you from?

  2.How about the weather here today?

  3.Where are you now?

  4.What are you doing just now?

  5.Please introduce yourself.

  What do you do in your spare time? what's your hobby?

  What is your favorites? (maybe)

  6. Who are your recommedors?

  7.what are you going to do here?

  What's your plan in this univ.?

  8.why pursue phd?



  11.你为何选择此校,有无选择别的学校? 你对本校和其他学校的看法。?

  12.Please tell me your working experience.

  13.What do you plan to do in the future?

  14.If we give you this offer, will you accept it?

  15.if I give you offer, will you come in July/june?

  16. Why are you going to USA not staying your homeland to study?

  17. Did you use any English textbook in classes?

  18. Will you like to study in a small but with high quality university or a

  big university like Harvard or Princeton?

  19. How about your abblity to be a teaching assistant?



  special interests of field?

  1. What is your major, why are you choose this major?

  2. what is your special interests of field?


  4.What kind of courses have you taken?(better prepare some words to explain

  your major courses)

  5. Do you have any special or excellent idea during your research experience?

  6. 问你感兴趣的faculty和research group.